18.04.2025 - 20:00 - Abendkasse: AK: 20,00 Euro | VVK 18,00 Euro + Gebühren,- €


KENTUCKY OYSTERS are a collaboration between Hendrick Sudhaus (harmonica), Steve Wiseman (trumpet), and Jean Yanochkin (Ukraine). The Kentucky oysters play hard swing blues and rock with a playlist especially designed for blues dancers!

From 8:00-8:30pm a blues dance crash course for beginners will provide you with the basics you will need on the dance floor before the band starts to play at 8:30.

Karten: www.tixforgigs.com oder im CottonClub/Abendkasse: 20,00 Euro | VVK 18,00 Euro + Gebühren
Sitzplatz-Reservierung telefonisch unter +49 (0) 40 34 38 78, alternativ:  info@cotton-club.de